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The Missing Link

YOU are the missing link to creating sustainable work-life balance... learn more below! 

Hi! I'm Regyna

I am a Soul-Sourced Business Strategist here to support Soul-Guided Entrepreneurs in creating sustainable, nourishing work-life ecosystems. If you are ready to leave cycles of burnout and the machinery mindset of corporate life behind 
to empower your purpose and create more space for rest, play, and creativity in your life, then you are The Missing Link! 
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Welcome to The Missing Link

This is not your typical group program. It is a living example of a soul-sourced, sustainable business structure in action.

In this program, you will experience all of the benefits of:

  • a community of like-minded, like-hearted leaders to collaborate with

  • a mastermind group where you dive deep and transform your work

  • a summit where you get to learn from the wisdom of multiple leaders 

  • 1:1 coaching to align and integrate your insights into action


Learn more about the program here:

Tune in to your body. How does this feel? Engage your ways of knowing and ask if this is the journey for you at this moment in time. 


If the answer is YES! I look forward to seeing you there.

If you are intrigued, but still have some questions, let's connect and we can explore together if we are a good fit to work together. 

This work is empowering!

I was introduced to Regyna as a Soul Wisdom Explorer, burnt out, and ready to reconnect to myself and my business. Coming from a corporate background, I have a lot of conditioning around the "right" and "wrong" way to run, grow and market a business, but I always knew I didn't quite fit into that mold.


Regyna supported me in structuring a grounded, spiritual practice that enables me to reconnect with my intuition and the soul of my business. By incorporating this practice into my life, I am more in sync with my body and schedule my days with more flow, and prioritize rest. I also have started to trust myself more when making decisions and creating authentic content.


Regyna is also a great resource and natural networker. She has provided me with several opportunities to connect with other soul-led entrepreneurs and get comfortable living "out loud" as a purpose-driven, spiritual entrepreneur. It was very encouraging to have someone cheer me on as I learned to openly lean into my intuitive skills.


I highly recommend Regyna to other creative business owners who are tired of old business paradigms and want to collaboratively create a new, intuitive structure that's authentic and sustainable.

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~ Jemira Payne

Intuitive Tarot Facilitator & Mentor

The Missing Link: Details


  • 1:1 Soul Wisdom Mentoring call with me to identify your major energy drains and gains, and set up your supportive practice for calibrating your energy throughout the program

  • 8 Group Gatherings to Introduce New Content and Learn from the Wisdom Leaders

    • These are 90 minutes and occur on the first Tuesday of each new module starting at 3 pm central time unless otherwise notified

      • Once registration closes, you will receive all of the login details and calendar invites to attend

    • Replays are shared for each group gathering 

    • Each group gathering will include an overview of the theme for the module, a guided journey, and an opportunity for Q&A

  • 8 Live Group Coaching Calls​

    • On the last Thursday of each module, I will co-host a live group coaching call with the Soul Wisdom Leader who is currently supporting our work​

      • These calls are optional and are 60 minutes long​ and will also be held at 3 pm central unless otherwise notified

  • 1 Somatic Workshop

  • Soul Wisdom Leaders Lounge Community Forum

  • Online Portal Packed with Support Materials for Your Journey


Juicy Upgrades

  • Soul Wisdom Compass

    • This is a channeled artwork that gives you the view of your current position as seen through the lens of your intention for the program. It is infused with clues to help you navigate the path ahead. Because it is created in the energy of your intention and in harmony with your Soul Wisdom, it will calibrate to evolve with you as you navigate your journey throughout the journey.​

  • Prosperity Package

    • With this package, you receive monthly 60-minute mentoring calls 1:1 with Regyna throughout the program

      • This is where we go deep. This is your time. We work collaboratively and intuitively to provide you with the support you need.

      • You are provided a link to book your sessions as you are available

    • BONUS session

      • You get to choose one of the Soul Wisdom Mentors to work 1:1 with for a 60-minute session 

The Modules

Module 1: Expanding Awareness with Layers of Influence

We all have layers of influence that we exist in relationship with. Some of these layers are internal and others are external. They can be found in our family dynamics, our astrology chart, our human design, our community leadership, and the list goes on.


Understanding what tools are available to you in order to explore and work consciously with these influences empowers you to engage your strengths when needed and recognize your defaults. The ability to more accurately and effectively identify destructive patterns and responses helps you to alchemize their presence into opportunities rather than challenges.


Module 2: Embodying Your Rhythms & Cycles

Many of the internal influences that we experience are an expression of our natural cycles and rhythms. While these cycles are interconnected and complex, we can identify and learn from them individually as well.


Just as we engage with multiple cycles and rhythms simultaneously through our relationships with time and nature, as we deepen our relationships with our ways of being, we can more harmoniously align our work to support and be supported by them.


Module 3: Connecting with Your Business Soulmates

One of the biggest sticking points I encounter in my work with soulpreneurs is embracing marketing as a necessary element of being a business owner. I encountered this rite of passage myself along my own journey into entrepreneurship. 


It often requires us to make a complete mindset shift and redefine the language that we use. In our work together here in this module, we will explore a different framework. One that will support us to clearly articulate who we are, who we best serve, and who we most need to collaborate with in order to empower our purpose and amplify our mission.


Module 4: Enriching Exchanges & The Soul of Money

The modules work in pairs. Modules 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6... you get the idea. There is a flowing energy reminiscent of the rhythmic inhale/exhale cycle that we all know well—both in mind and body—that carries us through this journey. 


When we attract and collaborate with our business soulmates, they are prepared and excited to spend their time and money with us. However, we must truly be open and ripe to receive them. Fully. There is a frequency—a pulse, you could say—that holds the vibration of our truth and aligns with our most authentic expression of what we value. Our business soulmates meet us here at this frequency where we can create mutually beneficial, enriching exchanges.


Mid-Program Pause

Just as with our inhale/exhale cycle, there is a pause that exists in the in-between. We will honor this pause with a one-week mini-module that is all about celebrating rest and nourishing our bodies.

There will be no new content to review this week, although our community space will be accessible as usual if you choose to engage there. We will offer a 1-hour somatic workshop developed to support your body in the processing and integration of all that has been received thus far.

As we journey forward, we will begin the process of implementing the insights you've received and begin building the structures to support you and your business in alignment with this wisdom.


Module 5: Soul-Sourced Systems & Structures

There is no roadmap in this new paradigm way of being in business. Why? Because the journey is individual and sacred. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but this in no way means that the process of integrating the structures that serve you properly has to be difficult. There is a blueprint to start from. This blueprint is your soul wisdom.


Being fluent in the language of your soul wisdom gives you the tools to build systems and structures that are born already infused with this unique code. In the first half of this program, we've gathered the tools needed and already started implementing the nourishing and sustainable practices which are the foundation for our soul-sourced business strategy.


Module 6: Sacred Storytelling & Soul-Aligned Messaging

The concept of marketing has earned a bad reputation through countless examples of toxic practices and ill-intentioned applications of it. However, this is another essential part of being in business. If we want to work with our soul-aligned clients and collaborators, they must first know that we exist and have the ability to learn more about our offerings.


When we can engage with marketing as a form of educating our potential business soulmates about all of the beautiful offerings we are creating, we can drop the icky feelings we've previously associated with it and show up in our fully luminescent magnificence. When this is the place you are broadcasting your message from, it is understood as a call to action for those that resonate with it and is of little significance to those who don't.


Module 7: Intentional Action & Sustainability

While the themes of each module are set in place before we begin, and the wisdom leaders supporting each is already called in, there is an intuitive element present as well. The program itself is a living example of a soul-sourced structure. There is a sustainable eco-system supporting this structure that was built intentionally in alignment with my ways of knowing and being—my soul wisdom; my gifts, and my cycles and rhythms.


The leaders I have invited to be a part of this journey were selected because their work is harmonious with the work I do, how I do it, and whom I serve. As we near the end of our time together, we will explore how to expand and diversify your own business ecosystem so that it can weather any season, nourish you in all ways, and be fully self-sustaining.


Module 8: Integration & Closing Ceremony

As we close out this container, we will take some time to reflect on the journey, celebrate, and fully integrate the experience. We will end this journey with the awareness that in doing so, we invite a new adventure to begin, a new level to open, our evolution to continue.

I’m Ready to Embark on this Journey!

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